G20 & Guest Invitees
Multi Combine




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Version 1.0 8th April 2020


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  G20 & Guest Invitees Multi Combine  

  Selected Horoscopes  

  Verification Of The Horoscope  

  Transits Economical Crisis 1929  

  Transits World War II  

  Transits Terrorist Attacks USA  

  Transits Financial Crisis 2007  

  Transits COVID-19 Pandemic  

  Used Data  



G20 & Guest Invitees Multi Combine
G20 & Guest Invitees - Spain / APEC / ASEAN / African Union     Graph: ASTROPLUS Professional-Edition     Editor: Adobe Photoshop Elements

G20 & Guest Invitees Multi Combine

There are countless of 'World Horoscope's, 'Mankind Horoscope's and so on, but the data is - let me say - usually selected arbitrary. In our modern world, we live in nations or even groups of nations, like the European Union, which stick close together and go their way through history on a more or less common path. The about 20 economically strongest nations of the world have come together about 20 years ago meanwhile in a group called G20 or the 'Group Of Twenty'. There are annual meetings, that also include guest invitees, like states and organizations, some of them are even permanent. Together, they represent vast parts of world population, economic power and trade around the globe.

My astrology software ASTROPLUS Professional-Edition offers to create 'Combine Horoscope's, also known as Davison Relationship Charts. This is some sort of horoscope type I can accept as an astrologer who is strictly working in a causal manner, using Natal Chart / Transits / Synastry only, discarding every other unnaturally type of horoscope. A Combine Horoscope is calculated with mean date and time and the average geographical values of involved charts. This method can also be applied to more than 2 natal charts, but calculation programs are rare for such 'Multi Combine Horoscope's. With 'ASTROPLUS Professional-Edition', it can be done easily.

I can use this 'G20 & Guest Invitees Multi Combine' to read global tendencies, since the kind of energy that is circulating around the globe must be depicted by transits on that horoscope, when it represents most parts of the world by implemented nation charts and nation group charts.


Selected Horoscopes

About 3 years ago, I let my program 'ASTROPLUS Professional-Edition' create a multi combine of just the 'G20' members only, without guest invitees. Obtaining correct data of nations is some sort of a dynamical process with mostly coincidental corrections from time to time for a particular single state, while other nation charts remain as they are. But if data changes for a single state implemented in a multi combine for the 'G20', the whole multi combine must be compiled once again, creating a new 'G20' multi combine chart.

Which horoscopes to choose, this is always the hardest part of it. Additionally, used mundane data should be reasonable and correct. There are - for example - different views among astrologers of which horoscope should be used for Germany. It is clear to me, that always the horoscope of the latest biggest change should be used in mundane astrology; like a reunification, a split of a nation into two or more, a change in boundaries, if it affects other nations, or a major new constitution. Germany became another nation after reunification, not instantly, but over the years; this new nation is depicted very good with the horoscope of the reunification, and thus any chart before the reunification should be discarded therefore. Using the latest data makes sure to work with current circumstances of the nation, instead of any of a previous character; but if an independence event is involved, I often use the horoscope of the independence, instead of any other for later events; examples are the USA and many other states with a colonial history.

On a first view to the updated multi combine chart with some corrected nation data after these 3 years, I thought that this cannot be a horoscope for mankind or the globe, even if I consider that mankind was obviously not the best idea for our planet. Checking important transits on this updated 'G20'-only version did also not bring up comprehensible results. The 'G20'-only version seems to be a wrong chart that does not work therefore; However, the data for it is available in the data section at the bottom of this article.

Trying to work with a 'G20'-only version let me realize once again in the end, that working with bad, incomplete or even wrong data creates a chart that is wrong and useless, it then won't work with transits later.

The 'G20' includes 19 states plus the European Union, and I decided to use data of comparable nation groups out of the collection of permanent guest invitees only, discarding all others of their mostly only organization-like character. Implemented with the 'G20 & Guest Invitees Multi Combine' are APEC / ASEAN / African Union, and with Spain, there is a single state that was also included. Some countries like Switzerland and nation groups like Mercosur were not implemented, since they do not seem to be any official part of the 'G20', despite they should be involved due to economical power and or importance. For Mercosur - I do not have correct data here -, both the most important member states are within the 'G20' anyway.

It was a longer and thoughtful process to select some of the guest invitees that make sense, in order to add more countries and let the multi combine represent even broader parts of world population, economic power and global trade. In the end, everything I implemented was - with regards to correctness - thrice checked by me.


Verification Of The Horoscope

If chart data is questionable, a quick look for a good astrologer can wipe out or harden doubts. Checking transits for some few important events can eventually give a final certainty. Validating this version of 'G20 & Guest Invitees Multi Combine' shows axes ASC-DC and IC-MC being generally weak, since always in the last degrees of a sign. I thus would rather focus on planets and asteroids in houses and also signs.

Like always, I used the Koch House System for my astrological interpretations. Refer to my little study Häusersysteme Und Nördliche Horoskope for the reasons. The article is available in German language only: Google Article Translation / BING Article Translation.

Let me start at the ASC with a notable Neptune, indicating that mankind tends to illusions, drugs, unrealistic concepts and the believe in something non-existent that they name "god". In my astrological practice, I usually like to make sure to find at least 2 constellations of the same meaning, in order to obtain a good safety in interpretation. The Meaning of Neptune at ASC, a very strong position even since still in house 12, is well supported by Lilith (Mean) in 12; people don't see life and world clearly, have a bad judgement especially of other people, tend to vote for bad politicians and parties at elections, have an illusory desire for harmony, and think that just being good will solve every problem in the world. Ceres conjunct ASC shows the importance of food supply and agriculture.

Jumping to house 3 shows an remarkably exact conjunction of Mars and Saturn, people like to argue and quarrel with words, fight for status and power, make life harder for each other; an indicator for a low consciousness development. The only exact position of an object on a house cusp is Hidalgo on IC, conjunct Pandora, there is the famous red button to be pushed by individuals in power. Hidalgo represents politics and politicians, as well as freedom for example, it has many things in common with Jupiter, but more on a political level. Together with Mercury, Moon and Sun in house 4 and Sagittarius; it all indicates a conflict between emotions and intellect, education and undereducation. Together with Asclepius - doctors and health care system -, Icarus - freedom and air traffic - and Pholus - risks and carelessness as well as alcohol consume and hospitality -, a mighty and strikingly big conjunction is resident in Sagittarius and house 4, the place for home, the people, the family and the emotions in an astrological chart.

A weak Jupiter, due to being in the final degrees of house 5 and Capricorn, conjunct cusp 6 - we also see it in a stalemate position, there is no forward and no back in the sign of his opponent -, I must consider strongly interpreting it into house 6, the domicile of his friend Chiron, which I can consider as a good but uncomfortable position. It is something like walking on a bad and inconvenient path to get to a better situation or even future. Jupiter in house 6 is clearly a scientific position, contrary to most previous constellations which rather are emotionally.

With Venus in house 6, there is - for example but not exclusively - a good indicator for the importance of financial and material safety and security, as well as the power of a good but possibly artificial appearance. And Heracles at DC, the place of relationships in a chart, shows the struggle between recognizing what is right and wrong, and then choosing the good and right path.

For me, there is no interpretation of only Lilith (Mean) without AsteroidLilith; I always watch them together, as a team. AsteroidLilith is in the domicile of Neptune, like Lilith (Mean) in house 12, but also is AsteroidLilith in it's own domicile, house 7. Thus a very strong position, despite the trouble caused by Neptune with his sign Pisces. Everything I wrote about Lilith (Mean) in house 12 is also valid for AsteroidLilith in Pisces; thus a strong statement on how people and individuals interact, and on how important communication and partnership is.

With an Uranus in house 7, unstable relationships, quickly changing and open encounters, and a talent in evolving ways of communication and ways to live together are depicted. Also indicates this position the importance of friendship and humanity.

Well, let's get to the most evil thing in a natal chart, Nessus, here even in one of the most bad positions it can take, in house 8. For me, it's hard to explain this position with a few words, since it is so versatile and energetic. It feels like doomsday is every day. But - there is indeed a very big 'but' -, Nessus shows only positive aspects to most other important planets and asteroids; this takes away a lot of negative energy from him.

Like his friend Jupiter, also Chiron is situated in the last degrees of the house, it is a borderline position, and I'm not really sure whether to read it into house 9 or not, although there is definitely a conjunction with cusp 9. On the other hand, there must be any indicator for the scholar and rather rationally acting part of mankind. This can be represented by Chiron in 9 very good; Chiron, the teacher, the medicus and scientist. Interpreting Chiron in 8 would be an indicator for a powerful importance of the things Chiron characterizes, like education, science and especially intelligence. I don't see any power of such things in the world, and thus, I read Chiron in house 9.

With Pluto in house 11, I see one of the most harmless positions, Pluto can take. Of course, there may be some earthquakes and other natural disasters from time to time, but the cooperation of Uranus and Pluto is often ignored, when it's about the many positive things it can bring. It is like stumble and stand up again, the disintegration of bad power structures, a fight for freedom and human rights.

Some words to Aspects. The fast runners show very few aspects only, nearly none; slowly running planets like Uranus / Neptune / Pluto and the 3 Centaurs Chiron / Pholus / Nessus are connected to each other by many aspects. Since I assume, that the reader of this article is familiar with aspects, I'd like to point to the Sesquisquare or Sesquiquadrate, the 135° aspect. The linked article is available in German language only: Google Article Translation / BING Article Translation. Many years ago, I discovered that it is of the same character like a conjunction, and therefore a 135° aspect can be read like a conjunction! I use an orb of 5° to both sides, where it meets orbs of both positive biquintile and trine aspects. There are 3 remarkable sesquisquares with Lilith (Mean) to Uranus, Lilith (Mean) to the big conjunction of Sun / Asclepius / Icarus / Pholus, and another very close with Chiron and Moon. These sesquisquares only are some sort of direct hits, filling gaps in interpretation left by positions in houses and signs.

So, Validation of this 'G20 & Guest Invitees Multi Combine' is done successfully; this is a chart that should also work with transits!


Transits Economical Crisis 1929
24th October 1929 Wall Street Crash     Graph: ASTROPLUS Professional-Edition     Editor: Adobe Photoshop Elements

There might be many different triggering dates and times within a week or so for the economical crisis that began in 1929, but house positions of planets and asteroids with this selected date and time show a comprehensible image.

Remarkable constellations in this transit chart are conjunctions of Pluto and Neptune, actually they are close to birth positions. Most planets in this transit chart show any financial and economical agenda or affect wealth and material stability in any way; Take a look to transits on houses 2 and 8 as well as Venus / Saturn / Uranus / Pluto / Chiron.


Transits World War II
1st September 1939 World War II     Graph: ASTROPLUS Professional-Edition     Editor: Adobe Photoshop Elements

This is the chart for the moment, when the then Germany started World War II, here in the outer ring. Many constellations and also positions in houses show a conflict.

Projecting this chart as transits to the 'G20 & Guest Invitees Multi Combine', we can see that something is going on, and that it cannot be good; taking a look to Saturn-Nessus on cusp 9, Chiron on Pluto in house 11, Uranus at both the MC's, Lilith (Mean) quite exactly at DC, and eventually Mars on Jupiter in house 5.


Transits Terrorist Attacks USA
11th September 2001 Terrorist Attacks     Graph: ASTROPLUS Professional-Edition     Editor: Adobe Photoshop Elements

Planets Mercury and Pluto exactly on house cusps indicate that this chart of the 9-11 terrorist attacks is correct. There is something going on in the area of communication with a conjunction consisting of Mars and some asteroids, including Icarus, and even Chiron in house 3 points to a fatal way to say something. Jupiter and Saturn in the house of religion. This chart is really correct!

Looking at the transit projection on the 'G20 & Guest Invitees Multi Combine', it gets even more impressive in a negative way, with Pluto on Moon in house 4 or Jupiter on Pluto in house 11. There is also Lilith (Mean) on AsteroidLilith, very strong for communication, encounters and partnerships.


Transits Financial Crisis 2007
9th August 2007 Financial Crisis     Graph: ASTROPLUS Professional-Edition     Editor: Adobe Photoshop Elements

The chart of the Financial Crisis of 2007 shows a Venus Saturn conjunction in house 1. Together with the Chiron Nessus conjunction in house 6, both point to an agenda of any financial character and to material stability issues. Pluto in house 5 may indicate speculation and Uranus in house 8 changes and instabilities to wealth and assets. Chiron sesquisquares Moon, anxiety and painful emotions.

The transits of the 'G20 & Guest Invitees Multi Combine' show a clearer picture, with the first return of Uranus, Venus conjunct Saturn exactly on ASC with Neptune and Ceres, Chiron conjunct Nessus on Venus, and eventually the Moon exactly on cusp 11.


Transits COVID-19 Pandemic
30th December 2019 COVID-19 Novel SARS Pandemic     Graph: ASTROPLUS Professional-Edition     Editor: Adobe Photoshop Elements

The chart of the ongoing and fast developing COVID-19 Pandemic of truely global impact, when Dr. Li Wenliang did send his post leaking the confirmation of 7 new SARS cases. Saturn conjunct Pluto in house 7 of contacts, Asclepius the doctor in house 8, both academical Lilith and Chiron taking over control at MC, Uranus in house 10, and a big conjunction in house 6 of health issues. Additionally, Pandora's box is open on cusp 12.

The transit projection on the 'G20 & Guest Invitees Multi Combine' shows a total of 4 exact constellations, with ASC on Pluto, Mars on IC, Moon on DC, Lilith on cusp 8. But there is also Chiron transiting house 8, indicating dangerous medical issues, Uranus transiting house 9, pointing to topics like democracy and freedom, Asclepius the doctor transiting house 6 of health issues, and eventually Nessus transiting house 7, danger comes with every person and nobody can trust anybody.


Used Data

 G20 & Guest Invitees Multi Combine :
#A93:G20 & Guest Invitees,*,mu,14.12.1925,19:50:01,Nubian Desert,SD
#COM:G20 & Guest Invitees (Spain / APEC / ASEAN / African Union)
#VIA:Collected By Jan Martin / Compiled With Astroplus
if you need to select a 'Birth Town' in www.astro.com 'My Astro':
select nearest town "Abu Hamad, SUDAN" + "GMT"

 G20 Members :
#A93:Argentina,*,l,25.5.1810,16:00,Buenos Aires,AR
#COM:State (Primera Junta)
#A93:Australia,*,l,1.1.1901,0:00,Melbourne VI,AU
#COM:State (Federation Of Australia & Constitution)
#COM:State (Declaration Of Independence)
#A93:Canada,*,l,1.7.1867,0:00,Ottawa ON,CA
#COM:State (Independence)
#COM:State (Proclamation Of People's Republic)
#COM:State (Constitutional Referendum)
#COM:State (Reunification)
#COM:State (Independence)
#COM:State (Independence)

#COM:State (Republic)
#COM:State (Sovereignty)
#A93:México,*,l,16.9.1810,5:20,Dolores Hidalgo,MX
#COM:State (Proclamation Of Independence)
#COM:State (Raise Of Flag)
#A93:Saudi Arabia,*,l,15.1.1902,6:45,Riyadh,SA
#COM:State (Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia)
#A93:South Africa,*,l,27.4.1994,10:59,Pretoria,ZA
#COM:State (Constitution)
#A93:South Korea,*,o,15.8.1948,11:00,Seoul,KR
#COM:State (Sovereignty)
#COM:State (Proclamation Of Republic)
#A93:United Kingdom,*,l,7.12.1922,15:28,Westminster,UK
#COM:State (United Kingdom And Northern Ireland)
#A93:USA,*,l,4.7.1776,17:10,Philadelphia PA,USA
#COM:State (Declaration Of Independence)

 G20 Guest Invitees :
#A93:African Union,*,o,25.5.1963,16:40,Addis Abeba,ET
#COM:Organization (Acceptance Speech Of President)
#COM:Organization (Closing Media Conference)
#COM:Organization (Signing Ceremony)
#COM:State (Constitutional Monarchy)

 Transit Data :
#A93:Economical Crisis 1929,*,e,24.10.1929,10:00,New York NY,USA
#A93:World War II 1939,*,e,1.9.1939,4:37,Wielun,PL
#A93:Terrorist Attacks USA September 11 2001,*,e,11.9.2001,8:46,New York NY,USA
#COM:Terrorist Attack
#A93:Financial Crisis 2007,*,e,9.8.2007,7:00,Paris,F
#A93:COVID-19 Pandemic Dr. Li Wenliang Post,*,e,30.12.2019,17:48,Wuhan,CN

 G20 Multi Combine (without Guest Invitees):
#A93:G20,*,mu,22.4.1916,13:17:31,New Valley,EG
#VIA:Collected By Jan Martin / Compiled With Astroplus
if you need to select a 'Birth Town' in www.astro.com 'My Astro':
select nearest town "Mut, EGYPT" + "GMT"



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